Go mbeannai Dia duit.

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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I exercise ~ run my mouth, push my luck & jump to conclusions.
I am getting old. I am never more aware of this than after a game of soccer. I seriously creak. A few years back one of the oil companies ran an add about a creaking little old lady ~ well, that's me! Ooooh! Ouch! Mmmhmm. One ball to the face. I don't mind when it's the kiddiewinks kicking it but when it's one of the teen boys it's an ouchie...& I do so try to stay out of the way of those thumpers! I sit on my butt a lot. Something happened to my centre of equilibrium with menopause & I have trouble staying upright these days. One way or another I rest a lot. I look at the sky from way down amongst the green stuff. I huff & puff my way round the pitch for about 20 minutes then I studiously move to any place the ball is unlikely to be & navel gaze while I attempt to get my breath back. Even in my hey day I was no distance athlete. I was a sprinter but I can't compete with the teen boys. If they are running for a ball it's theirs, no competition!

And in case you think I'm huffing round that pitch in all my glory I can assure you I am not. I compete decently clothed in long protective clothing, armed with a pair of Liddy's old studs & my plait under its headcovering. I am completely useless on the pitch ~ for the most part ~ but all the boys know my name & I'm sure think I'm completely batty but Ditz doesn't see why, if I make her run down the pitch, I shouldn't run too. Mind you, Ditz is a star gazer extraordinaire! I have never known a child to be so completely oblivious to what's going on around them in a competitive game. And don't ever let her play goalie. She thinks the little kids should be allowed to score 'cause it makes them feel all warm & gooey inside. Ditz doesn't mind losing but there have been occasions when her own team has threatened to scalp her!

That was the 2nd half of my day. The first half consisted of a trip to the tip ~ & way overdue too ~ like about 20 years overdue. I rounded up every old crab pot, every old bike outgrown by 5 children, every hunk of iron & old mattress & enough glass to have gone into business & a friend borrowed a trailer & helped me take the lot to the tip. It doesn't seem to have made an appreciable difference but it's hard to tell for all the books cluttering up the place. I culled the books some time ago but they seem to be promiscuous & indiscriminate & like rabbits multiply at a phenomenal rate.

My cats aren't speaking to me. How dare I abandon them for the better part of an entire day! I am sitting here typing away so I don't have to move. I need to shower & while the thought of warm water is alluring the getting there is a massive undertaking for a braver soul than mine. I know why people who play sport drink. Oooh, where's that hot water?


seekingmyLord said...

I have too words: Hot Tub! I have a love-hate relationship with ours. I love it when I need it but there is maintenance and higher utility bills that go with that little luxury too. I would invite you over for a warm, soothing, bubbling soak, but the distance is a just a bit much...just a tiny bit. If only we lived in a dimension where distance could be traveled by mere thought....

seekingmyLord said...

That was supposed to be "two" words! I guess I have not recuperated from my husbands surgery yet this morning. He is doing well but sore as would be expected. I am still tired and I am about to head out the door to face paint all day. I am not sure what the Princess will be doing as she is still asleep yet, but I know she will not be playing soccer either. Love to you.